Virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0
Virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0

To get this VM working, you have to edit the settings files like I described above. Later you saved the VM and now you are not able to start from this saved state. You started this VM with VBox 4.0.x but ignored the warning about the missing USB2.0 emulation. You have a VM with a saved state which does NOT contain USB2.0 / EHCI information.After the Oracle Extension Pack is installed your VM should start fine from the saved state. xml/.vbox file would not help here but only make things worse. To get this VM working with VBox 4.0 you have to install the Oracle Extension Pack. The saved state was probably created with an older (PUEL) version of VirtualBox or with VirtualBox version 4.0.x while the Oracle Extension Pack was installed, but now it is missing. You have a VM with a saved state containing USB2.0 / EHCI information.

virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0

If your VM does not have any saved state (you start the VM from the powered off state) then either disable the USB2.0 VM setting or install the extension pack and your VM should start.

virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0

Either a VM to be started from a snapshot or from the last saved state. The following is only necessary if you have a VM which you want to start from a saved state. So the next version will not allow to start a VM anymore if USB 2.0 is enabled but no extension pack is installed.

virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0

This function was meant as convenience but this ticket shows that actually the opposite was achieved. The whole mess comes from allowing the user to start a VM with USB2.0 enabled even if no extension pack is there. After doing so you should be able to restore the VM. Then change enabledEhci=true to enabledEhci=false in the settings file of your VM.

virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0

To restore your VM you would need to edit your VM settings file manually: Make sure that no VBoxSVC daemon is running (GUI and all VMs terminated). The actual problem in your case the saved state of the VM does actually not contain the information about the USB 2.0 controller because it was not available when you started the VM - you got the warning and just ignored it. If there is a saved state of the VM available, we do not allow to start the VM if such a special feature is missing because in that case the hardware of the guest would change during restore which is not possible (the USB 2.0 controller is not hot-plug-able). The intention is to allow the user to start a VM but show a big fat warning if he enabled a feature which is only available from the extension pack (in your case USB 2.0).

Virtualbox extension pack usb 2.0